The answers below show what you do at the moment. You can now make a plan for how you can protect yourself and the people around you better.

To choose your plan you can select a new option, by selecting the label or circle, to show what you want to do IN THE FUTURE to protect yourself more.

Over the coming week:
A man reading a book alone in a room by an open window
How often do you plan to spend time in a room on your own?
Two household members relaxing in the living room 2 metres apart from each other
How often do you plan to be more than 2 metres/6 feet away from other people when you are in the same room as them?
Cleaning away germs on a tap using disinfectant
How often do you plan to clean things that might have viruses on them?
A parcel accompanied by a ‘stop’ symbol
How often do you plan to have a window open when you are in the same room as other people?
A woman wearing a face-covering
How often do you plan to wear a face-covering and glasses when you are in the same room as other people?

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